Free Block of the Month Quilt Pattern: Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses. An Original Design by TK Harrison Owner of!

Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses

2006 BOM Quilt from  An original sampler design of 16-patch squares made with a touch of cinnamon with chocolate, figs & roses – sure to be a delectable delight!

Finished Size 59″ x 76″


The “Maidstone Quilting Squares” Quilt Guild from Maidstone, Saskatchewan, Canada are making my originally designed “Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses” quilt as a mystery quilt instead of a block of the month quilt. They just started so sit back and watch the photos as they make them each month.


“The Good Time Quilters of Blind Bay,” Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada are also making my originally designed “Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses” quilt. How fun is that?!! Two Canadian quilt groups making the same exact pattern, miles apart in that (frozen tundra) in North America!

Here’s a map to show you just how far apart the two groups really are:

Maidstone, Saskatchewan, Canada to Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada

Maidstone, Saskatchewan, Canada to Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada

The first month “The Good Time Quilters of Blind Bay” made their quilt blocks, they sent me a photo of a group shop:

“The Good Time Quilters of Blind Bay,” Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada

The second & third months they made their quilt blocks, they sent me some photo’s of just group’s of three blocks from different quilter’s:

They also sent me a group photo with all of their quilt blocks that they’d made thus far:

Blind Bay Quilt Group Three Month's Worth of Quilt Blocks

Blind Bay Quilt Group Three Months’ Worth of Quilt Blocks! 

Quilts by Quilters at Blind Bay Canada with their finished "Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses" 2006 BOM quilts.

Quilters at Blind Bay, Canada with their finished “Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses” quilts! Aren’t they beautiful? Stunning? Amazing?



The Resort Quilt Club in Arizona is also making my originally designed “Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses” quilt as a Block of the Week (BOW) quilt! Their Club started about 25 years ago. There were about 8 members at that time. They have grown to a group of nearly 70 members now!

The Club meets primarily in Jan., Feb. & March of each year. And has done a BOW quite successfully when they meet! In 2019, about 40 of the 75 members completed the BOW. In addition: There are a number of other weekly classes, speakers, challenge projects, service projects, Quilts of Valor & many other quilted blessings!


The Baytown Area Quilt Guild started in 1956 with 15 members. We now have about 77 members which is down from about 90 before Covid. Many have not returned yet. We meet monthly. We have a board of officers, hold our business meeting, then have a speaker who usually does a trunk show of their work.

We set a month aside for community service where we generally sew blankets and bibs for our local pregnancy resource center. We also bring other baby items to donate. Other months we collect items for the homeless shelter, the police dept., Love Network, or food bank. We try to be very community focused. We have an auction once a year as our fund raiser—a live auction of donated quilts from our members, and a silent auction. We also make a quilt each year and sell raffle tickets. All in all it’s a pretty busy group!


The Port Perry Patchers Quilt Guild are from Port Perry, Ontario, Canada. It’s a small town just east of Toronto. Their quilt guild was first formed in 1989. Currently they have approximately 50 active members. Ordinarily they meet on the third Monday of the month.
Monica W.

Here’s a look at the beautiful “Cinnamon-Teen Chocolate Figs & Roses” that the Port Perry Patchers sewed together:

Quilt #7 of my "Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses" BOM quilt that the Port Perry Patchers Quilt Guild sewed together! An original design for by TK Harrison!


The Central Kansas ThreadBenders Quilt Guild is a civic league in Great Bend, Kansas! We were organized in May 1983 with 45 members. We currently have 51 members. Our charity projects include making walker bags for orthopedic patients; fidget quilts for nursing homes, TLC quilts for local victims (Barton County and surrounding counties in Kansas) of disasters such as fires, floods, tornadoes, etc. We’ve also given quilts to fire and flood victims in northwest Kansas and Nebraska. We also occasionally provide quilts to our local Crisis Center for Domestic Violence victims.

Sandra V.

Here’s a look at the lovely “Cinnamon-Teen Chocolate Figs & Roses” that the Central Kansas ThreadBenders Quilt Guild sewed together:

"Cinnamon-teen Chocolate Figs & Roses" BOM quilt sewn together by Judy of the Central Kansas ThreadBenders Quilt Guild! This quilt was designed exclusively for!

Sewn by Judy
