A series started many months back on my blog QuiltTherapy.com. It involves free quilt blocks and instructions, all designed for 12″ finished blocks, 12 1/2″ unfinished blocks. And each block is identified because it has some relevance to food. Below the sampler quilt image, you’ll find links for each block & the finishing instructions for the quilt!
“Quilted Kitchen Sampler” Quilt
Designed by TK Harrison, Owner of BOMquilts.com and QuiltTherapy.com
Finished Size = 53″ x 67″
“Quilted Kitchen Sampler” BOM Quilt Finishing Instructions
The Belleview Busy Bee Quilt Group was organized by Sally H. in 1993 for those interested in all aspects of quilting. The purpose of the club is to foster the appreciation of quilting and to help each other in projects. Additionally, our purpose is to make quilts for donation to non-profit organizations within our community and participate in local, statewide and national events and projects. The goal of this very talented group is to provide friendship and learning, all while giving back to the community.
We have made and donated quilts to Belleview Chamber of Commerce & to the Kiwanis’s Club of Belleview. We have supported Kimberley’s Cottage, The Women’s Shelter of Ocala, Operation Shoe Box, Veteran’s Quilts, dresses for Missionaries and many other projects.
The Belleview Busy Bee Quilt Group continues to grow with learning new quilt patterns, techniques and opportunities that arise in the community. We are always buzzing around and helping others.
Cindy Koebernick
The beautiful “Quilted Kitchen Sampler” quilts shown above were all made by the following Belleview Busy Bee Quilt Group members: Cindy K, Debbie D, Pattye T, Barbie W, Vivian D, Sherry F Cathy L, Marlene D, Debbie M, Debbie H, Alberta M, Dorothy D, Cherry H & Gay C